Growing Information - Silver Saw Wood Products Cedar garden boxes and products Mon, 16 Jan 2023 19:52:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Growing Information - Silver Saw Wood Products 32 32 201297583 Winter Recipe: Bean Sprouts Tue, 24 Jan 2023 11:00:00 +0000 Salads for me become a little lackluster in the winter when trying to use plants from my own garden. I enjoy adding some home-grown bean sprouts to add some flavor and crunch. You can grow the bean sprouts right in your home for a quick and fun addition to any salad! Continue reading for this […]

The post Winter Recipe: Bean Sprouts first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

Salads for me become a little lackluster in the winter when trying to use plants from my own garden. I enjoy adding some home-grown bean sprouts to add some flavor and crunch. You can grow the bean sprouts right in your home for a quick and fun addition to any salad! Continue reading for this easy guide to growing your own bean sprouts.


  • 1 wide mouth jar with a net or other covering to allow airflow (you can buy the tops in the picture at D&B Supply or other local establishments).
Mason jar top


  • 2 tsp sprouting beans
    • I started with lentils and mung beans. I found these to be the easiest growers, but don’t hesitate to experiment with other beans.
Sprouting bean mix


  • Add about 2 teaspoons of beans to the jar
  • Fill the jar with water and soak the beans overnight
  • Drain completely then leave on the counter
  • Rinse with water 1–2 times daily, completely draining each time
  • Continue with this process for 3–6 days until the beans have sprouted and grown to your desired size (I prefer about 3-4″)
Bean sprouts

If you leave the jar on the counter, the sprouts will continue to grow. When they have grown to about 3-4”, I like to put them in the refrigerator. The bean sprouts will last up to a week in the refrigerator.


The post Winter Recipe: Bean Sprouts first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

Why I Chose Raised Garden Boxes Wed, 17 Aug 2022 11:03:42 +0000 I gardened for many years in the ground and used a lot of space. My last garden was a half-acre. I had never even considered using raised garden boxes before. When I first found garden boxes, I was skeptical about getting the variety and the yield I wanted. I thought this small space couldn’t possibly […]

The post Why I Chose Raised Garden Boxes first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

I gardened for many years in the ground and used a lot of space. My last garden was a half-acre. I had never even considered using raised garden boxes before.

When I first found garden boxes, I was skeptical about getting the variety and the yield I wanted. I thought this small space couldn’t possibly do what I wanted. Oh, was I wrong! Planting for vertical growth changed everything for me.

Top reasons why I fell in love with raised garden boxes:

  1. Less garden space needed
  2. Control over the soil
  3. Flexible garden space
  4. Year-round gardening

Let’s dive into the details…

Less Garden Space Needed

The yield is fantastic for this small space. I wasn’t looking for the same size yield as my last garden so I was surprised at how much I could actually grow. When growing vertically, you are adding additional space to your garden. So, when growing melons, for example, you can leave inches rather than feet between the plants as the wandering plants will grow up the trellises rather than spread across the ground. In my humble estimation, I’ve tripled the size of my garden in raised garden boxes vs. the ground footprint I’d need for comparable growth.

Control Over the Soil

Another great benefit is I control exactly what dirt and fertilizers go into these boxes. This gives me control of what goes into my fruits and vegetables, and ultimately what goes into my family’s bodies!

Flexible Garden Space

My raised garden boxes fit within my existing yard so I can grow what I’d like without having to change the landscape design. I have an open space where I put a group of garden boxes, some connected by trellises to provide that vertical growth. I also utilize the smaller spaces throughout my yard where I want to place small planter boxes for herbs, “space invader plants“, and flowers to attract more bees.

Year-Round Gardening

Using raised garden boxes incentivizes me to extend the green and beauty of the garden by gardening year-round. I can have better control over the temperature of the soil by using box covers at night when the temperature drops lower than the plants like and using the trellises to provide natural shade. I love the look of the raised garden boxes in my yard with the beautiful, simple trellises going from box to box. Walking through any garden is always relaxing, so add in greenery covered trellises to walk under and it feels like a garden wonderland!

For all these reasons, raised garden boxes have been a great choice for me and I can’t believe I haven’t tried them until now!

The post Why I Chose Raised Garden Boxes first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

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Growing Garlic Mon, 25 Jul 2022 04:27:44 +0000 I am so excited today as for the first time ever I harvested garlic. My second year in trying and it has been a huge success. Here is what I tried last year and what I adjusted this year to be successful. Year one: I ordered garlic online from an out-of-state supplier + planted late […]

The post Growing Garlic first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

I am so excited today as for the first time ever I harvested garlic. My second year in trying and it has been a huge success. Here is what I tried last year and what I adjusted this year to be successful.

Year one: I ordered garlic online from an out-of-state supplier + planted late (early February) = Fail!

Year two: I spoke with the great folks at North End Organic Nursery (NEON) + bought two wonderful varieties from them + planted 3 months earlier (early November) = Success!

Thanks, NEON!

I just harvested the early variety and am so excited to taste them in a few weeks. For now, I will be drying and storing the harvested garlic in a cold place (tough in the Idaho heat, but I have a plan!). I will cure the garlic for three to four weeks by hanging it in a cool place inside the house. Then, it will be ready to use for cooking as well as drying to make spice blends!

Does anyone have good garlic recipes? Message us with your ideas and we will share them out!

The post Growing Garlic first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

Space Invaders Thu, 17 Mar 2022 11:07:00 +0000 When we moved into our current house, we inherited a beautiful garden of mint. I was excited as I had never grown mint before and imagined some wonderful mint tea and mint juleps in the future. As I sipped my tea on the back patio overlooking my garden, I started noticing this beautiful, and very useful, […]

The post Space Invaders first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

When we moved into our current house, we inherited a beautiful garden of mint. I was excited as I had never grown mint before and imagined some wonderful mint tea and mint juleps in the future. As I sipped my tea on the back patio overlooking my garden, I started noticing this beautiful, and very useful, plant’s slow creeping invasiveness.

Although I love having mint in my garden, I battle its ever growing wandering tendencies. 

I’ve learned so much since then about these and other “space invaders”: asparagus, horseradish, and strawberries are among my favorites. Fresh strawberries for dessert during the summer, asparagus available at my fingertips, and oh, the punch of great horseradish! I love having access to these plants and don’t want to give that up. Nor do I want to commit my entire garden area to these plants.

The most practical solution is simply giving them a home of their own.

Using smaller containers, like garden boxes, I have provided these plants with their own little home.  Using 2’x2’ garden boxes, one for each type of plant, I give them the gift of spreading and filling up their own space. These perennial plants continue to expand year after year and offer an abundance of great food in return…a win/win.

The post Space Invaders first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

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Planting Season Already? Sat, 29 Jan 2022 08:36:00 +0000 Why, yes it is. It is a great time to start planning your garden and deciding the seeds you will be starting inside.  It’s always hard for me to decide when to start planting for the spring and summer seasons. I get excited when the days start creeping into the 40s and the sun is shining. And, […]

The post Planting Season Already? first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.

Why, yes it is. It is a great time to start planning your garden and deciding the seeds you will be starting inside. 

It’s always hard for me to decide when to start planting for the spring and summer seasons. I get excited when the days start creeping into the 40s and the sun is shining. And, we have a great window spot that gets wonderful morning sun…all which make me eager to get planting.

For those plants that need this type of jump start (think tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and other plants with longer growing requirements) I like to start many of my plants from seeds and I have used all types of containers to accomplish this, from milk jugs and plastic bottles to Jiffy pots. 

When planting, pay attention to having the following:

  • good soil
  • water
  • drainage
  • fertilizer
  • warmth
  • and sun.

How rewarding it is to germinate plants from seed! 

Once your plants are well established, make a transplanting plan well in advance of planting these seedlings outdoors.  This will include what is called “hardening off”, basically acclimating plants to a new climate that includes fluctuation in temperatures.  Start with a few hours outside for a few days and work up to longer periods over several days.  Once plants have acclimated, you are ready to transplant. 

I started seeds last year in early February and I was transplanting some plants By early March.  I created an advantage for my plants by turning some of my garden boxes into cold boxes, creating a miniature greenhouse.  I built tops for my garden beds using clear plastic sheeting inside a wooden frame.  The plastic lets light in but helps keep cold out.  With our colder nights March, I cover my plants at night with the cold boxes and uncover them during the warmest hours of the day.  If it’s a cold day, I leave the plants covered all day.  I have been growing turnips, bok choy, spinach, and kale all winter using this method of leaving the covers on all day and night.   

Need help getting started?   There are many experts in the Treasure Valley with a wealth of knowledge.  I applaud the nursery experts at D&B Supply stores and have worked closely with Jamie at Goldfeather Gardens to plan my own garden using our garden beds.

“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.”

– Claude Monet

The post Planting Season Already? first appeared on Silver Saw Wood Products.
